Stories from the Battlefield Seminar
Jun 22, 2022
I'm excited to announce I'm giving a full-day military research seminar in Zeeland, Michigan on 27 August 2022! Would you like to join this live event?
A Few Details
Have you wondered what happened to your family member during combat or military service to shape them to be who they were? Have you struggled to research and write the stories of your World War I, World War II, Korea, or Vietnam War family member? Do you think all the records burned so there is no hope? Did you know there is a strategy to research military service correctly, that is easy to learn so you don't waste time and money? Would you like to know how to bring your veterans to life through your stories?
If you are ready to learn how to research your 20th century military family member, join us for the Stories from the Battlefield Seminar. Please note this is a live event.
What can you expect?
Join us for a full day of military research & storytelling seminar! Each session will run approximately 50-55 minutes with 15-20 minutes for Q&A before the breaks.
As a Bonus for attendees, you are invited to stay for a Bonus Q&A session at the end of the seminar day.
The seminar comes with a PDF printable workbook with BONUS checklists and research worksheets. The workbook will be emailed to you before the seminar. Paper copies will only be available for walk-in's the day of the event.
Learn more & register today!
To learn more about this event, details on each session, what you receive, and more, just follow this link to the information and registration page. Registrants will also receive bonus emails between now and the seminar with additional resource I don't have time to cover during the live event.
Are You Ready to Start Writing and Researching?
I would love to help you research and write the stories of your family members from World War I – Vietnam. If you are ready to start a research or writing project, email me at [email protected] and let’s set up a free phone consultation. I’m excited to help you bring your family’s military history to life and preserve it for generations. Also visit the Ancestral Souls Wisdom School to learn how a Genogram Session can help you identify your ancestor’s trauma and patterns and start to heal.
© 2022 Ancestral Souls Wisdom School