
Why Was Grandma So Mean?

There are always more than two sides to every family story. Do you ever wonder what influenced the behaviors, patterns, & emotions of our ancestors? Explore your genealogy & military documents with new tools & questions to understand who your ancestors were & what shaped their behaviors.

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Introduction to Genograms

Are you interested in better understanding why you are who you are? Why your family and ancestors held certain beliefs, behaviors, and patterns? Using a genogram, you can learn a lot more about your family. A genogram is a tool that resembles a family tree through which we use symbols to identify family beliefs, behaviors, and patterns. There are many themes that can be explored using this tool.

In this interactive workshop, I will help you create a basic genogram, learn some basic symbols, and start to identify patterns in your family.

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Ancestral Time Travels: Timelines

Every genealogist and military researcher creates timelines as they build their family trees. Did you know this generic timeline is only one way to use this powerful tool? Are you ready to step out of the generic timeline box and travel through the life of an ancestor from a completely different perspective?

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Wise Female Ancestors

Women are the creators of life. We are powerful beyond belief and for centuries have been feared for our knowledge, intuition, power, and healing abilities. Because of this fear, women have been silenced, shoved aside, shamed, abused, tortured, persecuted, and killed. Many went to their graves with their stories and wisdom inside them. It's time to tap into their knowledge.

Purchase includes access to the Wise Female Ancestors webinar, the Ebook Researching WWII Women, and a 29-page workbook.

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Exploring Family Patterns & Stories

Take a journey & lay the foundation to identify family patterns & stories in a new way.

Module 1: Starting Our Journey

Module 2: Identity

Module 3: Perspective

Module 4: Family Patterns and Secrets

Module 5: Transformation and Course Wrap-Up

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Words That Heal. The Power of Writing a Veteran's Story

Are you ready to start honoring the heroes who fought in World War II by writing their stories? It's time to capture and share the stories of bravery, sacrifice, and resilience.

This program includes:

  • A 75-minute webinar replay
  • 30-minute private coaching session
  • Writing book with over 500 writing prompts
  • Three (3) PDF Guides to help you easily start writing your stories.

BONUS Webinar & Worksheets - Breakdown! Unspoken Effects of Genealogy & Military Research

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