Roots, War & the Soul Writing Group

Group Begins Wednesday June 26, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. CDT 

Explore your family history stories, veteran stories, memoir, ancestral healing stories, travel stories, house histories and more!

Step into a vibrant and welcoming space where we explore the rich tapestry of personal and ancestral stories. In this group, we delve into the narratives of life, love, war, trauma, blessings, healing, and transformation. Creating a safe and sacred environment, we invite you to share the depths of your experiences through the art of writing and engaging discussions.

Uncover the untold stories of your ancestors and your own life journey. From grief, loss, and family secrets to genealogy, inherited trauma, and the effects of war on families – every topic is a pathway to self-discovery. Our writing group is more than just facts; it's an invitation to unearth the emotions and consequences of personal and family choices.

As you immerse yourself in this transformative writing experience, you may find your personal story intertwining with larger narratives. Everything is interconnected, and beneath the surface facts lie countless parallels within our families. Be prepared for both subtle and profound changes in your life as you participate in this dynamic writing group. Let the exploration begin!

What the Program Includes

Monthly Writing Group on Zoom Meeting

   - The 4th Wednesday of the month from 7-8:30 p.m. CDT. Live participation required. A video replay will be provided. Upcoming dates - June 26, July 24, August 28. Our first session on June 26 will be a Meet and Greet. Participants will get to know each other, share what they are writing or plan to write. I will share details about future meetings, deadlines, coaching, and more. We may also do a little writing during this session so bring pen and paper!

Space is limited to 10 participants to allow time for feedback and reading each month. 

   - Submit up to four (4) pages per month for review by group attendees and Jennifer.

   - Feedback received two ways. Written and emailed to the participant on their submission. Oral feedback in the Zoom Meeting.

Writing Resources

   - Additional writing coaching, resources, worksheets, and other materials as needed.

   - Occasional guest speaker or additional training as needed.

Accountability & Goals

   - Monthly deadlines to submit writing to participants for reading and review. This will help keep you on track with your writing goals as we keep each other accountable.

Explore Self-Care

   - Genealogy & military research, and personal and ancestral healing, can take a toll on us. Especially if we do this work professionally. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. We will discuss ways the research and writing can impact us, how to help ourselves avoid illness and burnout, and to move forward in healthy ways.

45-Minute Private Coaching Session

   - Receive personalized guidance and feedback from an experienced coach to answer questions and help you get started. Schedule session after you register. This session must be scheduled and used within 30 days of the joining the program or you lose it. 

Discounts on Coaching 

   - While you are a group member, you will receive a discount on additional coaching sessions. These can be used for research questions, writing questions, project management, or anything else you require.

What People are Saying....

As a writer and researcher of a family biography, I have used Ms. Holik’s expertise in military research, editing, organization and drafting skills now for several years. Jennifer has the ability to take a body of work, in any stage of development, and evaluate the contents and direct an action plan that moves the project forward in a superior way, on all fronts. I have depended on her professional insight into my family biography that is both complicated with multiple time periods and source material also requiring the insight to understand how to engage the reader. The finished product will in no small way reflect her dedication and professional research, guidance, suggestions, edits and actions. I can, without reservation, recommend her military and publication research services for any personal or commercial publication project.

Doug Hall - Freelance Writer, Boston, MA

Why Join the Program?

- Discover Untold Stories: Unearth the rich tapestry of your personal and ancestral stories, delving into the depths of life, love, war, trauma, blessings, healing, and transformation.

- Safe and Sacred Space: Experience a welcoming and secure environment where you can freely express your thoughts and emotions. We prioritize creating a space that fosters openness and trust. 

- Explore Beyond Facts: Move beyond basic life facts and genealogical information. This group encourages participants to explore the emotional nuances and consequences of personal and family choices. 

- Self-Discovery: Engage in discussions and writing exercises that lead to profound self-discovery. As you share and reflect, you may gain new insights into your own life journey and the stories of your ancestors.

- Connection and Community: Connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for storytelling and self-exploration. Forge meaningful connections with fellow participants on a shared journey of discovery.

 - Transformative Experience: Participation in this writing group is likely to bring about both large and small changes in your life. Explore the interconnectedness of personal stories and witness the transformative power of storytelling. 

- Embrace Change: Be open to the possibility of personal growth and change. The dynamic nature of our program encourages participants to embrace the evolving narratives of their lives.

I'd like to register!

What People Are Saying...

The WWII Roots & War Writing Group is helping me to start turning research and recollections into concrete, written form. Reading the work of fellow writers is fascinating in itself and is also prompting new insights about my project. The constructive feedback is leading me to consider directions I had not thought of before. Another valuable benefit of the group's format is strengthening the conviction that our writing matters -- whether we are writing for personal understanding, to preserve a legacy for our families, or for a wider audience. The "office hours" offer additional opportunities to ask questions or explore related topics, such as publishing one's work. ~ Janet B.

Join the Writing Group

Don't miss this chance to make a meaningful impact in 2024. Embrace the power of your ancestors. Write their stories so they are remembered and can share their wisdom with future generations. Write your stories to heal yourself and your lineage. Connect with other writers and be part of a community.

Space is limited to 10 participants to allow time for feedback and reading each month.

4th Wednesday of the month starting 29 May from 7-8:30 p.m. CDT


Plus a ONE-TIME $75 setup fee for a 45 minute private coaching session when you join.

  • Monthly writing group Zoom meetings where you receive feedback from participants. Submit up to 4 pages per month for review.

  • Feedback from Jennifer.
  • Video replays.
  • Additional training or guest speaker as needed.
  • One 45-minute private coaching session. 

  • Resource Worksheets when applicable.
  • Discounts on coaching sessions while you are part of the group.
Register Now

What People are Saying....

Book Writing, Master Classes, and 1-1 Support (Facilitation)

If you are involved at all with trying to follow and understand your family’s journey related to loved ones who served in the military, I highly recommend working with Jennifer. Jennifer is passionate about helping people with their journey–whether is it doing research, trying to understand the impact on the family, or putting thoughts and findings to pen and paper. All of the webinars I have participated in have been fun, interesting, and useful. 

For over 20 years I have been trying to learn about my uncle who was MIA in Europe during WWII. At first, I thought my quest was to learn all the facts and details about where he was, what he did, and what happened to him. What I have started doing along the way–and why I appreciate Jennifer so much–is delving into the equally compelling and more important story about the impact of my uncle’s loss on the family. In many cases, I knew things from my own memories and previous conversations with relatives that I had not connected to the war. After going through a Master Class with Jennifer based on the book Reconciliation with War, I was able to connect the dots and get a much better picture of what the collective family had been going through. Jennifer is now helping me edit the draft of a book about my uncle’s story and the impact on the family. I greatly appreciate her insight and expertise.  Besides being knowledgable, Jennifer is friendly, warm, and genuine. I enjoy working with her and now consider her a good friend.  

Phil Rosenkrantz

Meet Your Spiritual Guide

I'm Jennifer, I help people identify and release ancestral beliefs, behaviors, patterns, and traumas that hold them back from creating their most abundant, amazing life.

Email me with questions: [email protected]

As a young child I knew I was here to help transform the world. I’ve always been the quiet weird outsider who observed and stood witness to the silent suffering of humanity. I’m a cosmic intuitive puzzle master, seeing and feeling what lies beyond the veil. This enables me to identify repeating patterns, connect the dots and piece the complex puzzle of our individual and collective stories together. These gifts have allowed me to heal some deep ancestral traumas and end toxic cycles in my family.

Guided by my military ancestors, more than 25 years ago, I stepped on the family & military history research trail. That journey allowed me to connect more deeply with my ancestors, spirit guides, angels, and others beyond the veil. I created a genealogy business which quickly transformed into a military research, speaking, and writing business. Explore military research articles, videos, records, resources, and my books at the WWII Research & Writing Center.

By 2015 my healing journey & military work allowed me to live and travel in Europe and create a life both in Chicago and near Amsterdam. I became embedded in Dutch society, life, relationships, healthcare, politics, and culture. For several years I was married to a Dutch man who lived with cancer and other life-threatening health issues. I developed PTSD as I traversed the layers of his health issues in addition to living two different lives on two continents, while facing my own triggers and ancestral patterns.  We were so energetically connected, that as I accompanied him on his journey as he moved closer to death, I also faced issues of grief, compassion fatigue, caregiver responsibilities, and how I would survive and thrive after the relationship ended. Identifying the ancestral patterns I was living with him helped me heal and move forward after the relationship ended and he died.

In Europe, I visited battlefields & burial sites, religious & cultural sites, heard family & war stories, some of which brought me to my knees in grief as I channeled the people telling the stories. I understand history, context, and perspectives that many people do not. This makes me unique in the way I can help clients heal on both sides of the ocean to explore their personal & ancestral family patterns & war trauma.

To heal my PTSD and personal and ancestral patterns, I worked with energy healers and studied ancestral lineage healing, energy healing modalities, inherited trauma, grief & loss, and caregiving. It took several years but I came out the other side of PTSD, released many traumatic and toxic family patterns and am thriving.

I am excited to help you discover the stories of your ancestors and heal. Welcome to the Ancestral Souls Wisdom School and this cosmic healing journey we travel together.