Jennifer's Journals & Notebooks

Ancestral Codes 90-Day Journal
Available in Paperback
This 276-page journal was created with the intention to help you identify the unique ways your ancestors and guides communicate with you each day. Ancestral Codes 90-Day Journal Includes:
- 3-pages per day of journaling prompts & space to record thoughts & ancestral messages
- Explanation of how to use the Ancestral Codes Journal
- Daily energy check-in
- Daily ancestral communication check-in

Ancestral Messages 60-Day Journal
Available in Paperback
This 246-page journal includes everything you need to deepen your connection to your ancestors through your genealogical research. This journal was created with the intention to help you identify the unique ways your ancestors and guides communicate with you as you research your family tree.
Ancestral Messages 60-Day Journal Includes:
- 60 Days of Journaling. 4-journaling pages per day.
- Explanation of how to use the Ancestral Messages Journal.
- Writing Prompts to help you connect with your ancestors and learn more about your family history.
- Space to record your genealogical finds, questions, and next steps.

Research a Veteran Workbook & Journal
Available in Paperback
July 12, 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the fire that destroyed thousands of Army and Army Air Force and Air Force Official Military Personnel Files at the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) in St. Louis. Since then, countless families have been unable to obtain their veteran’s files because they were told, ‘All the records burned.’ However, this isn’t quite true that no information can be discovered.
Have you wondered if there were other sources to help you tell your veteran’s story? I developed a two-part strategy to help people research any veteran from any military branch in any 20th century war. This workbook and journal provides you with that strategy and plenty of checklists, instructions, writing prompts, and pages to record up to five of your family’s veteran’s information so you can write your stories. Are you ready to find answers, closure, and peace in your family’s military history? If so, this workbook and journal is for you. This workbook also is an excellent resource for homeschool families wishing to learn more about their patriotic past.

Soul Traveler Journal
Available in Paperback
You are invited to connect more deeply with your ancestors and spirit guides in this 100-page journal. Includes:
- Instructions on how to use the journal.
- Writing or meditative prompts to use on your journey.
- Space for you to record your thoughts, feelings, emotions, family patterns, and ancestral encounters.

Choosing You First. A Caregiver's Journal.
Available in Paperback.
Do you feel overwhelmed as a caregiver and are not sure where to turn for support and strength? Did you know you can choose you first and create your life even within the parameters of what currently “is” your life? If you feel overwhelmed, I understand, and I can help.
Composition Notebooks
110-page composition notebooks are available for $5.99 on Amazon.