Our ancestors experiences, traumas, and gifts are woven into our DNA. Did you know these things may affect you more than you realize?
Discover what's hidden in your genealogy & military research. Heal yourself & your lineage.  Â
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Writing & Publishing Services
Preserve and honor the remarkable stories of yourself, your ancestors, veterans, and the legacies they've left behind. We understand the importance of capturing and sharing these unique narratives that span generations. Our mission is to guide you through the process of unearthing and documenting your family's rich history, while also providing a supportive environment to explore and heal from generational and war trauma.
Speaking Engagements
Is your organization, library or society seeking vibrant speakers? I have new classes on WWI and WWII research and writing, family patterns and genealogy records, and ancestral healing. Check out where I'm speaking this year or book me to speak!

Classes, Webinars, & Memberships
Explore programs on the topics of genealogy, writing, family patterns, and ancestral healing and communication. You can also learn my two-step military research strategy in the Honoring Our Heroes Seminar bundle. You will learn how to research any veteran from WWI - Vietnam, even if the records burned.

Genealogy & Military Services
Are you ready to discover your veteran's story? Learn more about who your ancestors were, who your parents are, and who you are on a deeper level? I offer several genealogy & military sessions to help you discover this.

Ancestral Healing Sessions
Are you ready to identify and release your family's negative or toxic beliefs, behaviors, and patterns?  I help you see what is hidden, release what holds you back, connect more deeply with your ancestors & yourself. Are you ready to create a more abundant life & let go of what your ancestors passed on to you through your DNA?

Military & Genealogy Research Books, Journals & Notebooks
Explore all my WWI/WWII research and writing books. I help you find the story even if all the records burned. Discover genealogy curriculum books, Ancestral Journals, and Composition Notebooks.
Stay Connected
Choose a freebie and join my mailing list to receive tips, inspiration, and education on personal and ancestral lineage healing. Subscribe & opt-in today to receive the latest free worksheets.
What People Are Saying
Anne A. - Genetic Memories Program
When I saw the invitation for Jennifer’s recent 4-part program “Genetic Memories: How Ancestors’ Experiences Shape Our Lives” … I knew I had to join in the conversation! In certain places or situations, I’ve always felt a familiarity that couldn’t be explained. After jumping in to DNA research over a decade ago … that seemed like the only possible explanation for the feelings I encountered: DNA memory! Some people thought I was crazy …
In the last seven years, I have opened myself to be guided. I can’t explain how or who is guiding me, but I know that random encounters with unknown folks have set me on different journeys and at the end, I find answers that I have been seeking for years! You can’t make this stuff up! In hindsight, which is 20-20, I see that I was being guided all along, but didn’t understand at the time. In putting all the pieces together today, it makes perfect sense!
Jennifer’s program and her experiences validated what I have thought to be true for years … DNA memory IS real! But, I also learned that some of the troubling patterns of the past keep recurring because the ancestors need help in healing, and that it’s possible for us to help.
I’ve always wanted to write about my experiences, but didn’t really know where to start. This program gave me ideas on how to gather and organize my thoughts. I’m using the Ancestral Codes 90-day Journal for some help getting started. It has 3 pages for each day with prompts that I would never have thought of. Thank you Jennifer!
Doug Hall -Freelance writer, Boston, Ma.
As a writer and researcher of a family biography, I have used Ms. Holik’s expertise in military research, editing, organization and drafting skills now for several years. Jennifer has the ability to take a body of work, in any stage of development, and evaluate the contents and direct an action plan that moves the project forward in a superior way, on all fronts. I have depended on her professional insight into my family biography that is both complicated with multiple time periods and source material also requiring the insight to understand how to engage the reader. The finished product will in no small way reflect her dedication and professional research, guidance, suggestions, edits and actions. I can, without reservation, recommend her military and publication research services for any personal or commercial publication project.